Friday, November 22, 2013

Trading Journal | Trading Psychology Edge

Keep­ing an Effec­tive Trad­ing Jour­nal is a video tuto­r­ial designed to help you develop solid men­tal and tech­ni­cal trad­ing skills.  Based on his own trad­ing expe­ri­ences as well as the expe­ri­ences of traders Dr. Gary has coached, this trad­ing jour­nal helps you with the com­mon strug­gles and frus­tra­tions faced by all traders.  Dr. Gary's Trad­ing Jour­nal is not an ordi­nary jour­nal.  When used con­sis­tently, it can serve as your vir­tual trad­ing coach, lead­ing you through your daily trad­ing and help­ing you to iden­tify your trad­ing strength and lim­i­ta­tions.  In the video, Dr. Gary explains key guide­lines you can fol­low in using the Trad­ing Jour­nal as your vir­tual trad­ing coach.  Inte­grat­ing ele­ments of cut­ting edge, peak per­for­mance psy­chol­ogy, Dr. Gary takes you step-by-step and shows you how to:

• effec­tively pre­pare for the trad­ing day
• set up your daily game plan
• iden­tify the most impor­tant per­sonal goals to work on
• record your trades and men­tal states
• assess your trad­ing per­for­mance and decision-making
• iden­tify pos­i­tive and lim­it­ing pat­terns in your trad­ing
• use a straight­for­ward method to address lim­it­ing pat­terns
• apply deep, delib­er­ate prac­tice to your trad­ing
• track your progress

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