Wednesday, May 16, 2018

The Verge: Senate votes to reinstate net neutrality — but it has a long way to go

Senate votes to reinstate net neutrality — but it has a long way to go
The Verge

Next stop, the House Read the full story

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National Geographic: We Depend on Plastic. Now, We’re Drowning in It.

We Depend on Plastic. Now, We're Drowning in It.
National Geographic

The miracle material has made modern life possible. But more than 40 percent of it is used just once, and it's choking our waterways. Read the full story

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ARRrrgghh .... the Light ...

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

The 4MULA - May 9 2018 - ES - (Other Eminis still to be tested)


I have been trying to massage the charts towards simplicity both in visual and audible.


Below .. is PURITY achieved before explaining.


Again, hope we prepare each other not to waste time. (Only 21 days this rounds)

Many years wasted otherwise from in the past 😉


This entails a simpl approach to profit using just one cash register ….

  1. An audible alert
  2. Your validation as if it is worthy of effort or risk
  3. Learning where your specific point of engagement is
  4. Trade any desired market based on value
  5. More included, but not on this chart. As more is desired will include 😉
  6. (working on a "trade by numbers" method as well
  7. (all red diagonal lines below are reflective of a Fibonacci / Geometrical flow of all markets)
  8. The lower portion is my "Calalloo Creation" to validate all profits/ risks 😉







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Sunday, May 6, 2018

Thoughts - 5-5-2018

You know,

When others don't even believe in the basic foundation of what we are trying to do it gets you ngry as s=hit !

But, we also have to be head-fast nd keep the focus on our direction and agenda.

We WILL ensure that others are able to generate income for their family.
We will school you how to do that.


Cash-Cow Trading

We Design Gravy-Trains
"Choose Your Speed"

Can You Trade Futures ,..... ?

​"For real !!?
Futures are impossible to trade."

I HATE this question !​

​Especially from those who
know not of the methods.​

We Design Gravy-Trains
"Choose Your Speed"

Education - Politics - $20B Bridge

We Design Gravy-Trains
"Choose Your Speed"