Saturday, October 18, 2014

Tools - Trading PC slow ... ?

I am on the verge of upgrading, but doing some basics ... waiting to see if any difference.
Ninjatrader has been freezing or 'blanking' or 'ghosting'
(everything goes white, pauses, and then sporadically returns to show you whre price was, then repeats ..) at the open when the market is in overdrive activity. 
But that freeze, has pushed me into being more patient , waiting for better, more focused time frames where I have been more successful and focused, not caught up in the emotions as much. But I still NEED SPEED .. hehe

And 44% + defrag ??? is simply NOT GOOD !! ;) hehe

Let's see what system mechanic does ...good as it claims ? Will let you know .. ;)

hours later ...

almost there ....

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