Wednesday, October 7, 2015

The Gravy-Train rolls and does it again ...

Markets run on schedule.
"Choose your income destination ..... Get on board."

5m scale, 
Scheduled runs ....

Fibonacci and Flux do it again ...

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Do Ocean Waves Really Travel in Sets of 7?

Do Ocean Waves Really Travel in Sets of 7?

Credit: Hope Alexander | Wikipedia Commons
View full size image

Surf's up, bro but why? Maybe you heard it from a beach bum with a physics hobby, maybe you heard it from an ancient mariner having a moment of clarity on shore leave, or maybe you heard it from your dad on vacation. In all cases, the claim usually goes something like this: Ocean waves travel in groups of seven, and the seventh wave is the biggest of the bunch.

As would be expected with such a motley group of purveyors, this sea yarn turns out to be well-meaning but basically false. The short answer for why it's false is that you just can't predict the motion of the great wide ocean that easily. The short answer for why it's sort of true is that, well, sometimes you almost can.

To understand why waves don't neatly adhere to received wisdom, you have to follow them to their source. Contrary to another widespread fallacy, the formation of waves has nothing to do with the moon (unlike the rise and fall of the tide). The ocean surface waves that we see rolling onto the beach are caused by one thing: wind.

As wind drags over a stretch of ocean, it pulls up ripples and slants on the sea surface. These irregularities become exaggerated as they get steeper and even more receptive to wind drag, rising like sails that magically grow new fabric as they collect more wind. And because waves come from such a capricious progenitor as wind, their subsequent motions, interactions and properties are similarly hard to predict. Robert Guza, a professor at University of San Diego's Scripps Institution of Oceanography who thinks deeply about waves, puts it this way: You wouldn't expect waves to [have regular properties], given that they're generated by sort of turning on a wind eggbeater. [Why Do Seashells Sound Like the Ocean? ]

The seven-wave maxim does get something right, though. Although waves have chaotic origins, once a few of them get going, they do tend to settle into traveling groups. Choppy, irregular waves that are generated in stormy regions and head off in the same direction will reach a kind of compromise as they go, bucking and engulfing each other until they organize into somewhat stable and predictable packs.

As it turns out, the farther these wave groups travel from their source, the more likely they are to fall into a relatively predictable sequence, usually one with a long wavelength or distance between two consecutive crests. Chances are that a long, rolling swell coveted by surfers as it reaches shore was born in a far-off ocean storm before breaking away from the clutter of short-wavelength disturbances at the storm's center. (In oceanographic terms, a "swell" is a series of waves that has outlasted the winds that formed it.)

When you narrow the focus to just these unusually coherent and far-reaching wave caravans that humans tend to look out for, the seven-wave theory starts to hold a little more water. According to Fabrice Veron, the director of physical ocean science and engineering at the University of Delaware, the sort of swells we are likely to observe on a fair-weather day at the beach will commonly arrive in groups of 12 to 16 waves. That range, coupled with the tendency of wave groups to bundle their tallest waves in the center of the pack, provides a possible basis for the seven-wave claim.

Veron offered this explanation: A group will 'modulate' the wave amplitude; it's like another long wave on top. So the first wave in a group is tiny, the next one is bigger and so on until you get the biggest one in the middle of the group. Then they get smaller again. The last one is tiny, so the biggest wave in the group is in the middle, and if there are 14 waves in a group, the seventh wave is the biggest.


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TheTrini Network

Fibonacci in Nature

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TheTrini Network

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Trade Log [#14]

Date Sep 01, 2015
US "A" - Period 1<br>(Open 2.5 hrs)
Trade Status Market Replay
Platform - NinjaTrader
Symbol ES
Entry Signal Source and ATR Level - Manual
Long At The Open
Profit Target 2
Entry 1190
Exit 1192
Result Full Gain
Profit / Loss $100.00
Needed Corrections - Trading after first period

Monday, August 24, 2015

Here's a brief review of the stock circuit breakers

In 2012, the Securities and Exchange Commission revised the system-wide circuit breakers that would halt the broad market under times of severe stress.

Under those rules, trading halts occur when the S&P 500 decreases 7 percent (Level 1), 13 percent (Level 2), and 20 percent (Level 3) from its previous close.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Goldman Sachs to Give Out ‘Secret Sauce’ on Trading - The Pinkwater Report

Goldman Sachs to Give Out 'Secret Sauce' on Trading


In a major shift for Goldman Sachs Group Inc., the firm is preparing to give away some of the "secret sauce" behind its trading ideas.

From the Wall Street Journal:

Goldman will soon offer clients access to more of its in-house tools, such as high-powered databases that analyze markets and manage risk, according to the firm's executives. Those proprietary systems have long been key elements enabling Goldman to sidestep market turmoil and ring up outsized profits in better conditions.

Given direct access to these tools, Goldman clients could use the technology to build their own trading systems and potentially make purchases independent of the firm.

Read more of the story at

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Monday, July 13, 2015

Re: FLUX Confluence

2015-05-22 6:22 GMT-07:00

Risk of Ruin

Risk of ruin is a concept in gambling, insurance, and finance relating to the likelihood of losing all one's capital or impacting one's bankroll to the point that it cannot be recovered. For instance, if someone bets all their money on a simple coin toss, the risk of ruin is 50%.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

TIME to STOP ......

OK STOP WE MADE $484..000 IN ONE DAY STOP....Almost $3,000TT

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Knowledge - Women traders

The release listed five possible reasons why women generally do better at financial spread betting, those being:

- Men hate to be wrong and take longer to admit that they have made an error;

- Women are better in a crisis and less emotional because, contrary to popular belief, female traders are more disciplined and less likely to panic;

- Women can more easily say no and sometimes the best trades are the ones you do not make;

- Women read the manual, stick to a strategy and question things that they are uncertain of; and,

- finally, women are measured as opposed to jumping in head first - which men are apparently prone to doing.

I trade equities - and have done since I discovered a savings account my parents opened for me when I was four. They kindly deposited birthday money generously donated by relatives, which, by the time I got to university at 18, accumulated into a nice four-figure bank balance I could access without their permission.

Read more:

Wednesday, May 6, 2015


Three things are happening here ... ;)

Inline image 1

From left-to-right ...

  1. Swings and longevity in the markets are averaged and closely "anticipated" .... as we go into the future. (Sounds weird but true).
  2. 2nd from left is live markets, also looking forward, as vertical lines, as to when swings are anticipated ... (usually on point)
  3. 3rd are a combination of Major Universal Laws of Elliott Waves and Fibonacci (Pi/Math ratios etc.) that are used as a complement, yet a foundation
  4. LUV YOU !!!
  5. Fluorescent green arrows on second chart below are Elliott waves.
    Fibonacci is embedded by default.
  6. Observe ONE thing.
    Within each green arrow's direction (from beginning to end) is a sub-set of all HIGHER directionals.
Then all connected....

Inline image 1

Inline image 2

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Friday, April 10, 2015

FINAL HURDLE crossed ... Focus on the finish with strength !!! I ... and .. I


(without internal drama of Self... ) ....

FINAL HURDLE crossed !!

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Education - IF you want to learn ...

IF you want to learn ... 
the formulaic process
You have to ask ...
your SELF
about your own 

Simple equation. 

I've often asked how to impart this knowledge to others.
But, you can NOT trade successfully, with consistency,

UNTIL you understand
Your INNER Self.


Education - 23 Yr old Trader makes $700,000 in 2014 - DerrickJL Interview

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Re: Thanks for your support - Take some time and explain how Fibonacci sequencing is tied to trading..

Ask, ... then seek ... and ye shall receive ;) .... 

(links at the end) basic synopsis and summary
Suggest Topgun link as was explained very concisely. 
Others are other recognized sources.

But like your understanding of levels of spirit and other arenas, this I think will give a bit greater insight to the use of Fibonacci in markets. 
It's accuracy is almost second-to-none.

Keep in mind Fibs are used in EVERY aspect of life, unknowingly to some, but what I have found is that once you observe anything 
that surrounds you most (i.e. "environment") they follow same Universal laws. 

We, as individuals, often take time (years of life) to recognize them, unless schooled. 

My mission is to school others and youths of these "common denominators" of Universal Laws
of "mind, body and soul" to enhance and shorten the time of that learning process ;)
Granted my focus will be on the financial since I see that as foundational essence to the other levels.
And if I can do it with and help those who seem less fortunate financially (since that is where we live now)
then that is a foundation for all our future generations.  ;)

I love FIBS and ELLIOTT !!!
hehe ... can't escape it anymore ;)

An interesting tool on my wishlist. usable on many levels.
Feel free to contribute or share if acquired .. hehe :)

BTW ... I crashed ... 
and failed my TST Combine qualification ...

Made a minor mistake, turned into an INSTANT major mistake, and crossed the required limits, 
and killed it ...

90+ days of prep .. GONE! !.  ;(

Image result for image crashed race car 19 elliott sadler

Image result for image crashed race car 19 elliott sadler

So am now OUT of being considered for funding through their investors. 
Will have to retry.
Was like a tire blow-out on a racetrack .... and didn't hit brakes fast enough, so I spun out and lost contention.

My Mind, however is not thrown offtrack, 
but is re-winding for recovery, and ready again ... 
but resources are limited, so will be a slower return.

As far as trading goes, the chart below may at first seem confusing, but if interested, ask and I can explain ;)
I am working on automating it . .. for efficiency first, towards standard profits using Universal Laws.

All numbers, colors, lines have meaning related to Universal Laws, and are interchangeable. 
Nothing new .. but I am fine-tuning it to myself and others.

Generational foundation income. 

Mission 1.


  • Fibonacci Time Extensions - Technical Analysis

    Fibonacci Time Extensions are used to predict periods of price change (i.e. lows or highs). For example, after a downtrend, a reversal would be expected at a ...
  • How to Trade Using Fibonacci Retracements and Time ...

    TopGun Software - Fibonacci Retracements and Time Extensions. ... but my opinion is that all the large institutions use them, so you might as well buy or sell at  ...
  • Fibonacci Extensions Definition | Investopedia
    In practice, most traders use Fibonacci extensions in combination with other technical indicators/patterns to help them determine appropriate target prices.

  • On Fri, Feb 27, 2015 at 3:49 PM, 

    Take some time and explain how fibonacci sequencing is tied to trading..

    Explain in elementary level Please

    On Fri, Feb 27, 2015 at 7:42 PM, 
    thanks man .. this was a bad day .. but working on it ...

    On Fri, Feb 27, 2015 at 3:40 PM, 

    I viewed the weblink...I F...NG LOVE IT...PROUD OF YOU MY BROTHER...

    On Fri, Feb 27, 2015 at 5:56 PM, 

    Three sit aside and recovery days were worth it.

    Still building ....
    for two more blocks prep .... (two more days)

    Next week erase and correct mistakes, and re-engage the focus.

    Saturday, March 7, 2015

    Scalping vs. day trading

    Trade During The Day

    If you have time to trade during the day, then you might be a good candidate for day trading. However, day trading can be one of the most challenging forms of trading, and we only recommend it for more experienced traders.

    People who day trade sometimes refer to it as "scalping" if they are trading off of very short time frames, such as 60-second charts.

    On the time spectrum of trading, scalping and day trading are on the far left:

    Scalping centers around taking profits on small price changes, typically right after a trade has been entered and has become profitable. To be successful in this style, you need to have a strict exit strategy because one large loss could wipe out the small gains that have been obtained. Having the right tools, such as a live data feed, a direct-access broker, and the time to place many trades is required for this strategy to be successful.

    Scalping achieves results by increasing the number of winners and sacrificing the size of the wins. This style is all about quantity over quality.

    Day trading has you in and out of a position during the trading day, often trading 15-minute or 60-minute charts. Entry occurs at or after the open of the day and exit occurs before or on the close of the day.

    Day traders are looking for big one day moves in the market that provide sufficient profit opportunity relative to the risk of being in the market for just a few hours.
    Next to scalping, day trading is the most demanding form of trading, as you have to react very quickly in order to take advantage of abrupt moves in the market and at the same time protect your account from unreasonable risk.

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    TheTrini Network

    Wednesday, March 4, 2015

    Quotes. Day-Traders - What we do daily ....

    site no longer exists, but still on youtube for some knowledge ;)

    Nicely said ...

    "Our goal is not to kill the market,
    but to very simply "extract' our share."

    ~ Huddy

    Saturday, February 28, 2015

    Till - definition of till by The Free Dictionary

    Any definition so appropriate to trading the markets ;) from the beginning of preparation, through to collection of the monetary benefits to the process of the markets as they move like a powerful glacier. 



    1. up to the time of; until: to fight till death.
    2. before (used in negative constructions): They didn't come till today.
    3. before; to: My watch says ten till four.
    4. Chiefly Scot. to.
    5. until.
    [before 900; Middle English; Old English (north) til < Old Norse til to, akin to Old English till fixed point, Old High German zil goal, Gothic til opportunity. compare till2]
    usage: till and until are both very old in the language and are interchangeable as both prepositions and conjunctions: It rained till (or untilnearly midnight. The savannah remained brown until (or tillthe rains began. till is not a shortened form of until and is not spelled 'till. 'tilis usu. considered a spelling error, though commonly used in business and advertising: Open 'til ten.



    1. to labor, as by plowing or harrowing, upon (land) for the raising of crops; cultivate.
    2. to cultivate the soil.
    [before 900; Middle English tilen, Old English tilian to strive after, get, till; c. Old Frisian tilia to cultivate, Old Saxon tilian to attain, Old High German zilēn, zilōn to hasten; akin to till1]



    1. a drawer, box, or the like, in which money is kept, as in a shop.
    2. a drawer, tray, or the like, as in a cabinet, chest, or desk, for keeping valuables.
    [1425–75; late Middle English tylle < Anglo-French, of uncertain orig.]



    glacial drift consisting of an unsorted mixture of clay, sand, gravel, and boulders.
    [1665–75; orig. uncertain]


    A mass of boulders, pebbles, sand, and mud scraped up by a moving glacier and deposited either by the glacier's movement or by its melting.

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    Friday, February 27, 2015

    TOOLS - Pomodoro timers and techniques

    Friday 2-27-15 - Crude. Elliot Fibonacci

    Tried concepts today using combinations of entry.
    Preparing for continuation of combine next week, A LOT of practice and prep scheduled for the weekend.

    Did not work too well with longer term targets at first, but eventually realized it's OK to just scalp for $80-100 per signal. Worked remarkably well.

    If only I did the FIRST three .. for the 60 times ;)
    That would've possibly been possibly $1600 if just working it.

    Recovered after major tweaking during live trading losses .. but gotta luv Elliott and Fibonacci :)
    Sure if I simply maintained a 2-Lot 3-5 scalper irregardless would have completed the day much sooner, but the lessons were well taken

    Friday, February 6, 2015

    Pre Live ... Going ... Forward.

    TOOLS - INDICATORS - Market profile Ninjatrader - iMarketProfile 2.7

    Join Date: Aug 2009
    Location: Germany
    Posts: 34
    Thanks: 27
    Thanked 4 times in 4 posts

    I have just found this indicator (version 2.7) . I think it is the best market profile TPO-Indicator available for free. Great work!

    The only issue is it can´t be used with COBC=false. Otherwise it would be perfect!

    Anyone still using it? Perhaps anyone with programming knowledge could look into this and see if it can be coded more efficiently.

    Thanks in advance!
    Attached Thumbnails
    Click image for larger version    Name:	ES 09-13 (30 Min)  09_08_2013.jpg  Views:	275  Size:	73.7 KB  ID:	26352  
    Attached Files
    File Type: zip (8.2 KB, 263 views)

    Friday, January 30, 2015

    What done right … SIM Demo - UK Session FIB 23-50

    Sorry for too many emails, just sharing ...
    Last one .. ;)

    UK session, using Fib 23-50
    MTI rules
    Trading 12:30 - 1:30a, tested additional hour
    Trading on laptop

    Doing SOMEthing right ... 100%
    One current open position .. negative - ($187.50).
    Allowing to complete.

    Fwd: [BLOG POST] The Aftermath – What Happened With The HUGE Trading Losses (and what you should do now)

    Some of the numbers .. Just quick FYI ... ;)

    Begin forwarded message:

    Subject: [BLOG POST] The Aftermath – What Happened With The HUGE Trading Losses (and what you should do now)
    Date: January 30, 2015 1:36:49 AM PST

    Hi ron,

    About two weeks ago, Switzerland surprised the markets by   
    removing its exchange rate floor of 1.20 on the EURCHF.

    As a result, the Swiss Franc's (CHF) value instantly shot up by   
    as much as 39%, sending the EURCHF pair over a 1000 pips straight

    As a result, FXCM, the largest U.S. retail foreign-exchange   
    broker, lost more than $200 million.

    A few days later, a $300 million bailout from Leucadia National   
    Corp., the owner of investment bank Jefferies Group LLC, saved
    FXCM from violating capital requirements.

    But what happened with all the $200 million in losses?

    How will FXCM recover that money?

    And how does this affect traders like you and me?

    I've just posted a new article to my blog that explains the whole
    situation and what your next step should be.

    Click Here To Read The Article

    To your trading success,

    -Dustin Pass


    Thursday, January 29, 2015

    Trade Prep Log - TheTrini Works It Daily ...

    • 1/29/15 - WHAT WORKED Today

    • Focusing only on 2 screens to get into-the-zone = $500 + / day
    • constantly talking / analyzing with oneself
    • simplistic charts w/ automated indicators
    • Fibonacci Laws
    • Elliott foundation
    • prep time is a MUST ....  or is it ...  ? YES !!!!
    • Started late ..  Sim traded during volatile market opening
    • traded clean.
    • 3-Range ; 5 Minute ; 75-610 Tick ; 1 Hr ; Trend ; EVO ; Hi-Lo ;
    • focus on wave energy
    • 23 - 50 ; 23 - 50 - 100 +
    • leave a runner after hitting target ;
    • close off ALL trades ...... LATEST 5 minutes before 3p CT (1pm PST / 4pm EST)

    • Automate close-off
    • LOVE making money ;) (It's ok to ... ;) ...
      You have a gift for doing it. You are entitled to it ALL  ... !!
    • Give 10% to your family, children and siblings. 
    • Ensure they create a savings plan, and learn what you do for their own future.

    • Trade your chosen session for WHAT IT IS WORTH !


    • UNIVERSAL   LAW  .....
      (NO RESTRICTIONS .... once Positively done.)

    1/28/15 - WHAT WORKED Today


    read the mantra TheTrini Trader

    3 Range
    elliott principles, 23-50-100
    traded TF and ES
    Traded from 8-9a pst
    Charts used:    DST 2 default

    was 100% winners,
    left order out there again after finished

    MTI abcd,

    best times trading
    7.15 - 9 or 10

    Saturday, January 24, 2015

    Trade Log [#13]

    Date Jan 23, 2015
    UK "A" - Period 1<br>(Open 2.5 hrs)
    Trade Status Paper Trade
    Platform - NinjaTrader
    Symbol ES
    Entry Signal Source and ATR Level - Software
    - 1.2
    Long At The Open
    Profit Target 4
    Catastrophic Stop 6
    Entry 2045
    Exit 2047
    NOTES / OBSERVATIONS 610 cross over ma
    Result Full Gain
    Profit / Loss $100.00

    So You Want To Trade For A Living: An Introduction - The bclund Blog



    "How much money can I reasonably expect to make from trading full-time?"

    "Do you know anyone who is making a living trading full-time?"

    "Who do you know that I can talk to that can prove that they are making money trading full-time?"

    These were the questions I was being peppered with on two separate, successive phone calls recently.  One was from a gentleman whose day job was in financial services, but had been trading part-time for thirteen years.  He was tired of the "rat race" as he put it and was working up the nerve to follow his dream and trade for a living full-time.

    The other was from a young man who called me asking a question regarding real estate, having thought I was an active agent (I have a license but have never used it), and once realizing his mistake, inquired as to what in fact I did do.  I was tempted to give my pat answer, "I work in an ice cream shop," but his voice sounded very sincere and enthusiastic and I decided that I would divulge the truth.

    The first question I asked myself after I put the phone down was, "why don't more (hot) women call me about trading?" but I digress…

    The second thing that came to mind was how peculiar it was that two different people, at opposite ends of age, career, and experience were both asking essentially the same questions.  There was a difference in the tone of the questions; the first caller inquiring with an uneasy insistence, a slight quality of desperation in his voice, and the second, greener of the two, with a lively and somewhat naive curiosity.  But the questions were the same.

    Out of the all the questions I get asked in bars or airports,  meet-ups or seminars, on social media or at social gatherings, the most frequent one is some derivation of the ones these two callers asked, in essence, "Is it possible for me to trade for a living?"  I have spent a lot of time thinking about the answers to this question, and not in an abstract sense.  I am very familiar with the pros and cons and potential pitfalls of this endeavor.  After selling my company in early 2005 I spent nearly four years doing just that, trading for a living, until I stopped in order to co-found Ditto Trade.

    Trading for a living is the ultimate fantasy for anybody who has ever invested their own money in the market; it's the musician's version of being a rock star, the scribe's version of being a best seller, bringing with it the potential financial freedoms of both, the difference with trading is that your success is not determined by the fickle tastes of your fan base; it is all within your power.

    Perhaps the allure is best summed up by something Eric Bolling wrote a few years back in a piece entitled The Benefits of Trading….

    I am lucky to have spent a career trading so that I can find the busy market and trade it. I can trade from my office, my beach house and even my car. I don't have to be in Manhattan to work.

    I can trade from Miami, Spain or wherever the phone and Internet work. It is a gift given to me and I appreciate it every day. I respect it and that keeps me a viable trader.

    That is the reason it is so important to be able to trade. Look, I am no smarter than most of you readers. I just made the decision to learn how to trade and just do it.

    Sure there are bumps in the road and the trading landscape changes daily. But with diligent homework, a desire to make it work and a definitive fear of losing, almost anyone can make a career out of trading — anyone with the discipline to cut a losing trade that is.

    My goal in this series is to inform you of what I know and what I lived, what I did right and what I did terribly wrong, so that you can, with complete lucidity and of your own volition, decide if taking this step is right for you.  I am approaching it from the point of view of a retail trader, which is what I, and what most of the people who read this blog are. That doesn't mean that you can't eventually end up running the Goldman Sachs trading floor or your own eponymous hedge fund, but I want to speak in terms of people who want to start with making a living first.

    What I will not be doing in this series is telling how to become a successful trader; there is enough information, free or otherwise, out there that deals with that topic (including about 400+ posts on this very blog), and frankly, at the end of the day that is a job that ultimately you can only do yourself.

    I would love to get your feedback and/or questions on this series so feel free to leave them in the comments section below.

    Up Next – So You Want To Trade For A Living: Making The Transition

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    Saturday, January 3, 2015

    Prop firm trading - Top Step Trader - Get Funded as a Trader - Futures

    80/20 split - deposit to start required, refunded if attain goal levels.

    Prove you can trade.

    The Trading Combine® Account gives you the opportunity to put your trading skills to the test in either the Futures or Forex market. You'll be evaluated by our team of experts to become eligible for a funded account.

    Start your Trading Combine now →